Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Real Time Jokes

P.S: All the jokes are real time jokes that happened with me or my friends and is not copied from anywhere else.

I had this friend who was working in a company called as Aditi Technologies. No offence but it is not a very famous company and so, none of my other friends nor my sister could remember the name of the company.

Once someone had asked my sister where this friend worked and she said... "Meenaxi Technologies". In a similar instance, she again forgot it and said "Laxmi Technologies".

I bet till date she doesn't know what the name of the company is.


This joke was made up by my dear friend Gokul or rather, he just had a thought I would say...

Once he walked up to the Food World near his house. Now, Food World as you all know is supposed to be stocking mostly food items. 

While he was checking out the shelves, he finds condoms on one of the rows of shelves.

It seems he says to himself.. "now this is what men are hungry wonder Food World stocks condoms"..!!!


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