Thursday, August 9, 2012

Do they really "like" when they "like" it on Facebook?

Hmmmm... I've always been "active" on Facebook, to be honest.... I love posting status updates, putting up new pictures, etc etc...c'mon let's be honest, we all love doing it isn't it?? The first thing that comes on my mind when I get my picture clicked is "will it look good on  Facebook ??"

Facebook has become such an integral part of everyone's life these days. Just a few days ago, I read in the news that a girl from IIM-B committed suicide because her bf posted some remarks about her on his wall....Sad..!!! .I think it's time that people understand that  Facebook is a virtual world, it is not meant for you to share your personal things. 

No offense but I have seen people saying "I love you" to their husbands/wives on Facebook.. I mean, they can say that in their bed room too, isn't it?? Unless if he/she is away from you and there is no other source of communication other than Facebook?? Why do you want the world to know that you love him/her? I think the only person who should know that you love him/her is he/she....

I personally use Facebook for fun and yeah, when I have some nice pictures to show off..:P... I love posting funny (sometimes inspirational) status updates, some of which are my own and some of which are googled..:) and is only intended to make your day.. :P  ..I know, I know..too much of self praising here..

I'll also be honest in saying that I like when people "like" my pictures or status updates on Facebook...Normal human tendency...

What I fail to understand is when people do "like" your posts or pictures, do they really mean it?? I mean, I have seen people having sooo many "likes" on their pictures even when it was not so good or not even good at all... I have also seen people having more than 2000 friends in Facebook and none in the real world.... This is maybe what people call the "FACEBOOK WORLD".. .In this world, everyone is a star, everyone is pretty...everyone is famous.. :)

There was also this certain joke doing rounds over the net where a girl posts a status update saying "have a slight cold" and there were over 50 comments. When a guy posted a comment saying "had an accident and broke my leg", it had more than 50 likes and zero comments... I pity you guys....!!!!

I sign off here saying... Use Facebook for networking and entertainment but don't make it so important that you lose touch with the real world...Happy Facebooking till then.. :)

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